Walk-A-Bout in December
The last month of the year, December, is a great time for self discovery before kicking in those New Year’s Resolutions that we all have a hard time keeping. One of my favorite ways to relax and re-center my focus is an unpredictable walk around a favorite area to practice my craft with no real expectations. Just time walking, looking, seeing and learning. One camera - One lens.
My friend Bryan invited to join him and Danielle for a casual walk around the Bricktown area in Oklahoma City at night. The weather has been amazingly warm and clear this week so it was hard to pass up, even considering the amount of post-production on my plate. It was great to hang with friends, chat about photography and just create something for me. I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did, since I have a tendency to walk, shoot and then go off on a tangent. LOL. Squirrel!
Here are a few to share from the evening and a few more on my Flickr profile. Enjoy!!
Fujifilm X-Pro3 with 10-24mm f4
Fujifilm X-Pro3 with 10-24mm f4
Fujifilm X-Pro3 with 10-24mm f4