5 Reasons You Should Have Sara Sara Cupcakes Cater Your Wedding

Sara Sara Cupcakes are soooo good that Kyle & Bethany stopped by after the ceremony on the way to the reception.  Needless to say, both had plenty of energy to dance the night away!

Before we begin, we would love to thank Trawick Images for inviting us to guest blog this week!

Celebrate that sweet moment with a sweet dessert that both you and your guests will love – wedding cupcakes! 

Why settle for ONE flavor for your wedding?

5. You don’t have to choose one flavor! 

You already have to make too many decisions for your big day, let the dessert be one less! You love classic vanilla while your groom loves strawberry? No problem - when you order Sara Sara Cupcakes, you have the choice of MANY flavors. Your guests will love the Elton John (cherry cheesecake with cream cheese frosting – yum!)  And we have enough chocolate flavor options to make any grown man cry. 


4. They photograph beautifully. 

Let’s be honest – Terri and Robert can make everything look beautiful, but we will just let the photographs speak for themselves ☺

The "Sir Elton John" is a favorite for Terri.  And for Robert on nay day except Friday.  Stop by and ask the staff.  They know Rob's ultimate favorite available only on Friday or special order.

3. Your guests will love the mobility.

Some of your guests will be too busy bustin’ a move on the dance floor to stop for dessert – and carrying around a plate full of cake can just be a hassle. Try going the bite-sized mini cupcake route for your reception! Guests can pop a mini in their mouth without the stress of missing the Electric Slide. 

Want to take your party up a notch? Create custom-made stickers featuring your names and wedding date so their to-go boxes can be even more personal. That’s right – cupcakes can be party favors! Stuff one in a single style cupcake box, slap your personalized sticker on top and tie it in twine.  Voila, favors complete and it’s something they’ll genuinely enjoy.

2. You’re supporting a local OKC family business. 

Let’s face it – We all love our city. When you choose Sara Sara for your wedding cupcakes, you’re helping a local family business with a touching story. 

Not to mention, you’ll always be greeted with an Oklahoman smile and friendly service to help ease the stress of wedding decision making!

Oklahoma smiles are the BEST - If you tried these cupcakes, you would be smiling too!

1. They’re delicious! 

The most important part – these cupcakes are delicious! With multiple flavors and beautiful toppings, it will be a sweet treat to celebrate an even sweeter day.

Did we mention we could do chocolate covered strawberries, too?

Yes, we do CHOCOLATE covered STRAWBERRIES too!

Cheers to sweet, sweet love!

Maggie, Sara Sara Cupcakes


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Robert Trawick
creative mad image creator that drinks too much coffee, eats too many cupcakes and loves light. like me | love me | follow me

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