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Surround Yourself with Good People

Everyone knows the importance of networking, it helps business and helps simplify clients decisions. The grassroots movement of "word of mouth" referral of wedding vendors is very alive and works well. Of course, when the passion and partner in your life IS the "other vendor" it's much easier to guarantee professional results. That person is Terri from Audacious Photography. She is amazing in her image making, supports me during the busy wedding season and keeps me sane! LOL With so many of our brides looking for a "something special and unique" gift for their loved one, Terri stepped up to the plate of all these requests and even raised the "boudoir bar" in Oklahoma. Working in sync with Sky from Sky Cheshure Photography, you will always get the best images of the best you.

Here is promotional video shot by the always awesome Paul Houston Photography. Be sure to check out the website and follow her FaceBook fan page.

Audacious Photography "After Dark" from Paul Houston on Vimeo.