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Joel & Regina | Love Drives Us

Meet Joel... Great guy, photographer, loving dad, and a bunch of country mixed with a little rock and roll. Meet Regina... Beauty queen, super mom, entrepreneur and a smile that melts hearts. So these two hearts meet and BAM! The perfect romantic couple. Did I mention country? Yes, I did. Joel declared their love by "engraving" a tree with heart and initials... with a screwdriver! LOL That is romantic in my book, any day of the week. Check out their G2KU session here. Terri and I were so thrilled to meet them, even though I've known Joel for some time.  I'm always honored to be chosen to cover someone's special day, but it was extra special having Joel ask, since he is an excellent photographer and a straight shooter.  He doesn't speak often, but when he does it going to be important.

The small, intimate ceremony held at Cole's Garden was perfect and gave their family and closest friends a chance to shower the couple with love and laughter.  After the ceremony, Joel was smiling from ear to ear and Gina was so giggly I thought she would bust from joy.  You could see that these guys are perfectly made for each other.

Here are a few of our favorite images from the afternoon we shared with them.  It was beautiful!