Jacob & Sarah

I probably should do better about my blog posts... and I promise to catch up with a major "BlogFest 2010", but not until later. LOL! Today was preparation day for Jacob and Sarah's wedding day in two weeks, along with some editing and a few quick portrait sessions.  I was able in the mist of chaos, the little video happen to get me in the spirit of things.  And of course, I uploaded it to the main website under the Motion menu.  I also managed to get a few more done and posted on the site.

Please enjoy a little tribute to a fabulous couple and another... Trawick Images Bride!

Click HERE for the Video Clip!

Robert Trawick
creative mad image creator that drinks too much coffee, eats too many cupcakes and loves light. like me | love me | follow me

Jacob and Sarah in Woodward, OK


Alfred Angelo's GNO - October 2010