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And the Winner is......

For those of you who didn't know were giving away a free session... or two.... or three.... How... or why you might ask... well the conversation went something like this....


Sky.... we need more fans....

Me.... yep....

Sky.... lets give away a free session at 1000 fans....

Me...  sure... (thinking to myself...Like we're ever gonna get 1000 fans...)

Sky... just wait... I am so excited! (ever the positive one, isn't she?)


Ok so 3 short weeks later guess what.... yep... we hit the grander... 1000 fans... wow you could have knocked me over with a feather.

I did it old school printed off all the fans... (85 pages worth cut them up and drew the lucky winner).


The first free session goes to .... Stephanie Faulkner .... who by the way said she never wins anything.... to that I say... well sweetie you can't say that anymore....


Fast forward a few weeks to the Perfect Wedding Guide Bridal Fair...


Robert.... I had the best idea.... lets take profile pics at the fair and the "fan" who gets the most likes and comments wins a free session...

Me.... ok honey.... (side note:  did I mention that he has the brilliant ideas in the shower...)

Robert.... oh and we can have everyone email or post what being audacious means to them and at the end of the month we will pick a winner and give them a free session...

Me... ok honey....( did I mention where he has these brilliant ideas....)


Ok so off we go to the PWG show and had an absolute blast meeting all these awesome ladies...and actually shot almost 100 profile pics....

I got them posted and holy moly.... did my phone start dinging (and dinging and dinging and dinging).... (side note.... face book comments WERE linked to my phone... key word here is WERE....)

It was a really close race but toward the end... we have a clear winner... I am telling you if she can get this many comments... I should hire her to do my PR and Advertising...


Ms Desiree Molina.... you my chicka... are Audacious....!


Ok so the last session believe it or not was the hardest for me.  I am usually not a sentimental person but I had such amazing emails... stories of survival, love and all around .... Audaciousness (is that even a word... it is now!) I was humbled by what some of these women were willing to share.  I truly am honored and thank each and everyone of your for your submission.

The winner is actually giving the session to .... her Mom.... yep.... lets just say that here story truly is a story of survival and touched me so deeply. I can't wait to meet them face to face.


Ms Lauren Castelbery.... and MOM.... welcome to Audacious!


I want to say thank you to all you ladies who gave it a shot and truly wish I could give each and everyone of you a free session.  Maybe we'll have to offer a discount to all the ladies who shared their stories with us, what do YOU think? ;)