The Solo PhotoWalk for 2021

Another year and another chance to walk the city streets of Oklahoma City to reflect on the past 365 days. So much has happen but things are turning around and the economy to coming back.

I think it’s the social time - with lots of hugs - that is missed the most during this Covid Coma time. Last year everything was closed with signs about sticking together and being safe. Those are replaced with mask mandates for different businesses along Broadway Ave in Automobile Alley. The restaurants had dine-in customers but there is still lots of To-Go orders and Curbside pickups happening. We are not fully safe or completely open like the Modern Frontier moniker used by the Tourism Board.

The big change for this year would be my daily carry camera. Last year’s birthday walk was taken with my new Fujifilm X-Pro3 received as a gift. That body is a workhorse and has been with me daily in the city and travels. However, during Bedford Camera & Video PhotoCon last weekend, the rear LCD screen decided to act up, so off to repair Monday! The current daily driver is the Fujifilm X-Pro2. You got to love a great backup camera!

I do have to state the obvious about starting my day with a great cup of coffee. There are great places around the city but I choose Eote Coffee where the baristas are talented, funny and amazing coffee beans. I’m so in love with their selections, I pick up a bag or two for the house Delonghi La Specialista machine.

Here are a few images taken on my walk-about. Enjoy!

Robert Trawick
creative mad image creator that drinks too much coffee, eats too many cupcakes and loves light. like me | love me | follow me

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Manfrotto Tripod - BeFree GT XPro