Trawick Images

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Team Trawick -0 Mustang Ballers-9

2020 is already over a month in and wow has it been busy and full of surprises. Speaking of surprises, I bet you didn't know that Trawick Images loves... yep you guessed it, Sports Photography. You thought we were going to say coffee or shooting didn't you?

Recently, we were asked by a mustang youth sports team to take their team pics and had so much fun capturing them that we added Team Trawick Sports Portraits to our line up. (Did you catch that snazzy sports references there?)

The Mustang Ballers are part of the mustang youth basketball league. It took us a bit to figure out all the details, but several phone calls and text later, the ballers had a pizza party and we shot them right there in their coaches garage. I totally could believe how perfect the whole arrangement turned out to be. It was a bit chilly but the ballers were all troopers and we love their images so much we thought we should share the awesomeness that Team Trawick Sports Portraits captured.

Did I tell you how much fun they were? When I say fun, I mean we totally had a blast. The parents and the kids were just awesome and we pulled in a pinch hitter in scoring and extra player on Team Trawick with the help of the best action shooter I know, Ron Lane. Talk about a true sports shooter, you should check out Lane Images, his images are amazeballs.

For more information on the Youth Sports Leagues in Mustang please check out these links,

Mustang Community Center

Mustang Youth Football

Tori Karate

Mustang Youth Soccer

Mustang Youth Basketball

Baseball Softball and Tee Ball

Mustang Youth Cheer




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