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Flamenco Dancer - Personal Project

Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

This is a wonderful time to reflect on the wonderful things, people and places that have influenced my life.  Of course, you probably already know that I was born in Sevilla, Spain.  Before you ask... No, we don't eat tacos there and tortillas are a completely different thing.  

My mother was full blooded Spaniard, falling in love with a young USAF airman from North Carolina and BAM! the world got me.  That was a very long time ago and while I lost my mom to cancer over 30 years ago, she has never been away from my heart.  

I think most people have fond memories of their parents and I'm no different in that way, but I remember some of the smallest moments with great clarity.  My mother overcame many obstacles to become a naturalized U.S citizen in the '60s and the challenges of being a single parent to two rambunctious boys.  Yes, I have a brother that was in love with Cleopatra.  Give it a minute... you will figure it out.

I recall with joy was my mom's passion for the arts.  She is an avid artist in her youth and constantly doodled anytime a pencil was in her hands.  I remember she would do little drawings in the margins of the checkbook register.  I loved visiting local museums with her and she amazed me with her explanations of the paintings, sculptures, and lives of the artists. Her face would always light up when telling a good story not found in my school textbooks.

She was a talented dancer, and in Spain - We Flamenco You can be sure I was more than a little excited when my Tita Maria - my auntie - sent my mother's custom flamenco dress from the '50s.  She was so tiny!  I can almost hear the click-clack of shoes popping the wooden floor during a performance.

It has taken some time to find the right model that can fit into the outfit and has the Spanish look to bring the art of the dance to my photography.  We found Cayden at a pageant in Tuttle, OK.  She has that the fire of perfection in her eyes!

On this Thanksgiving holiday, I'm especially grateful for my mother, who influence me as an artist and fueled my curiosity of the world.  Your legacy of the arts continues with me and I will pass along to my children.

Here is an example of Cayden working my mother's flamenco dress in the studio at Six One Six Studios in Moore, Oklahoma.  I'm sure you will see more of this personal project including a street shoot in Kansas City, MO., sister city to my hometown.

I would love to hear your comments below.  Wishing you all a fabulous holiday!