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Motorcycles, Cupcakes & The Secret to Life

It’s been a while since writing about my motorcycle rides here on the blog.  I wanted followers to experience more of this journey through life, specially since we approach photography with our clients on a personal level.  Terri & I really like to get to know you better to help show your personality in the creative images.

This morning’s ride to Bedford Camera & Video for a meeting on the upcoming PhotoCon 2016 was a little intense with 30mph crosswind and thunderstorms looming in the distance.  Many times the choice to ride is a desire, but being a one car family with my middle daughter taking classes at Canadian Valley Tech Center and a part time job at the outlet mall, the choice to ride is becoming more of a need than want.  It’s hard to fit most of the gear needed for photo shoots on the bike and not very secure for pitstops between sessions.  Our family has managed this balancing act for about three years with the help from family and friends, but the need for another all weather vehicle is on the horizon.

What does riding a motorcycle and photography have in common?  Actually, more than you think. However, the most important similarity would be enjoying the moment by being involved.  You have to be “right here” without much noise flowing through your head.  Those that ride understand exactly what I mean, while cruising around you must be vigilant of everyone else’s possible action or reaction that could put you in danger.  The more daydreaming or distractions you have, the more chance of a miscalculation that could have life altering results.  I never listen to music riding around town and very rarely on long trips.  I just don’t want anything to take away from the moment or dull my senses of the environment around me, including the bad weather.  It’s still amazing to me all the different smells I encounter while on the bike, with the wind rushing around me, the warmth of the sun on my face or the vibration of power available at the twist of a wrist.  The moment makes be feel so alive.

Photography is an artisan craft, honed through time, knowledge and experience sprinkled with personal vision.  I want the photography sessions to have the same impact as riding, we must be involved with the subject or client to understand and enjoy the moments.  This is true for both the photographer and the client.  We must remove the distractions and focus on crafting an image that goes beyond a snapshot. This is difficult when either of the parties are thinking of something else, checking their cells phones, worrying about finishing in time for the next important appointment., etc.  Are you really involved or just physically here?  The choice is yours to make and I hope you choose wisely, because the true value of that moment maybe not be understood until much later and never to be recreated again.

Did that make you think a little?  Were you focused on reading this post or glancing over a few words speed-reading looking for the meaning of life?  Hopefully you are still with me ‘cause sweets are just around the next paragraph.  Yes, indeed the cupcakes are waiting for you.

We have been a fan of SaraSara Cupcakes for so long that we routinely schedule a portion of many sessions nearby as an excuse to stop for a sweet break.  Besides having amazingly tasty cupcakes, SaraSara has the coldest milk bar around.  You must be careful because brain freeze while chugging a tall frosted glass of chocolate milk is a real possibility.  We have seen it happen many times, despite the warnings. SaraSara is our little place of heaven near the studio and with all of that going for this family business, we’re most impressed with it’s focus.  It’s not just another business focused on making more dollars but on remembering the joy, passion and laughter of Sara, who is still changing lives today, one cupcake at a time.  If you are not familiar with her story, please take the time to watch this short Discover Oklahoma video.

Talking about changing the world, SaraSara is donating profits from the sale of the Dreamsicle cupcake during the month of September to the No Kid Hungry program.  You can help change the kid’s world by eating a sweet cupcake (or two or three) before the end of the month.  This is your chance to be in the moment, turn off the distractions and focus on the sweet cupcake in front of you.  Trust me when we say that giving your undivided attention to a cupcake can be a life changing moment.  Of course the change happens after we Instagram, Facebook and Tweet the fact we are having a SaraSara Cupcake.  What are you waiting for?  

If talking about cupcakes didn’t get you hungry and in the mood to help, we are including some past images from our visits at SaraSara Cupcakes mixed in with a few motorcycle pics from the road.  Enjoy these, but don’t forget to get your own cupcake.

Well you made it past all the cupcake photos, so I feel obligated to tell you about the secret of life.  Here it is…  Be X - Explore X - Share X  The “X” is different for everyone. Now, eat a cupcake and find your X.