New Mentoring Thoughts Format

I started a weekly email with my closest 60 photographers, many are friends, family or people I admire.  It was a way for me to grow and dive into some self-discovery.  Akid to writing a journey and reviewing your thoughts, ideas, and progress over time.  Not everything I said, do or think about is some earth-shaking revelation of truth, but I thought some other people could use some inspiration, a different way of thinking or even a good laugh.

Over a short period of time, more of the recipients asked if they could share with their friends.  After a little soul searching, I decided maybe others would enjoy reading about my experiences.  Plus I really hate the large volume of emails received daily, and the fact that I'm adding to someone else's frustration would not be cool. So here we are with a good fit so anyone can enjoy some information, and jump off the list when it's no longer valuable to them.

If you are interested in receiving some weekly thoughts of inspiration, self-reflection and eureka moments, then please sign-up below.  I will post some of the previous emails so you can get a sense of my direction.

I would love to hear your comments below - give me the good, the bad or the ugly.

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Here is one the first emails I sent out:

Good Morning!

I’m exhausted after a very long day with the 2017 Worldwide PhotoWalk.  It’s one of the highlights of my year and I work hard to help make it memorable for those that attend.  This is now the 10th year of this event as photographers join around the globe for one day of social interactions, networking and just plain fun.

I do have fun and receive an unmeasurable joy helping others relax, network and laugh on their photo journey.  Many people make new friends, learn new techniques and some just come to get out of the house.  Make no mistake about it, this event is hard work in planning, balancing activities and commitments, as well as blocking off my schedule from clients.  But I’m not alone.  I couldn’t do this without the help of many backing me up, helping me plan, laying down the connections needed for several hours of a mass group of clickers walking around their neighborhood or business district.

To all those that helped, in any way… My warmest thanks!

I don’t do this event for fame, attention, notoriety or even financial gain.  I do it for one simple reason… to help others enjoy photography.  To watch others laugh, smile and just “be” in an environment that is an open, safe, secure place for their personal advancement.  It is my calling, it is my legacy.  It’s my chance to pass along my joy, drive, and passion for the craft of visual artistry.

Why I’m am telling you this?  With coffee cup in hand, I must be brutally honest and admit I failed.  I fail every day.  Even with this Photowalk, it didn’t go as I envisioned.  There were issues, there were problems - some small and some bigger.  Most unnoticed but still painful to me, because I failed.  Trust me that this isn’t the first time, nor the last time I will fail and fall down.

I have been fortunate to have a very diverse life filled with experiences and while the fame & fortune has eluded me, several things I can learn to share with others.

FAILURE is not FATAL unless you QUIT trying to be your BEST

WISDOM comes from EXPERIENCE and experience comes from MISTAKES

No ONE is SUCCESSFUL without the effort of MANY that SUPPORT

A favorite quote of mine is from Zig Ziglar - “It’s not how far you fall, but how high you bounce that counts”

I hope that my words help inspire you to be the best and never, ever let them see you sweat.

Happy Shooting!


PS:  bonus for today, is a little video someone sent to me - and I don't watch videos often - that almost brought me to tears.

Enjoy if you dare -


Todoist - The RIGHT Direction for 2018


Flamenco Dancer - Personal Project