Worldwide Photo Walk - Oklahoma City

WOW! This was exciting week for me. Two weeks ago, I was selected to lead the Oklahoma City part of the Worldwide Photo Walk. This was the first worldwide event of this type sponsored by National Association of PhotoShop Professionals. It involved over 5,500 in 241 cities around the globe, walking and socializing for the betterment of photography.
We had 50 registered photographers, over 60 shooting and 47 for dinner after the walk. Some of the group still made time afterwards to shoot night shots of the OKC Memorial. I planned an easy route and arranged some fantastic models, of different ages, to stage along the way. I think everyone had a blast! Maybe we will plan to do this more often... Here are some of the photos taken by our talented photographers. Oklahoma City PhotoWalk Flickr Group

Here are two of my friends pausing to shoot one of the models along the walk. David Baxter, and my longtime californian friend, Karen (Jes) Dominguez-Cavin, who flew out here to keep me company for the weekend and teach my daughter to cook. Thanks!


Worldwide Photo Walk - Oklahoma City


Brian and Samantha